Anyone with eczema knows there is not a one-size-fits all treatment. Eczema has many types and can be complex, triggers can differ greatly from person to person. What is effective for someone, may cause a flare for you. The key to successful eczema treatment is to fully understand how the condition affects you and it’s causes and that just got a whole lot easier.
The newest app release from the National Eczema Association can solve these problems in a customized, personal way. Developed by, physicians, and caregivers EczemaWise has the ability to track your own risk factors often associated with eczema - sleep, itchiness, pain, redness, diet, stress, and more.
There is also the option to upload your own pictures, describe the intensity of symptoms, and connect with local doctors. See below for an inside look at EczemaWise.
Life can get complicated, especially in 2020 and it is easy to forget to document flares or potential triggers. This makes that process much easier, with just a few clicks you can learn more about your condition and begin a more effective treatment plan.
Best part? It’s FREE.
The National Eczema Association’s goal is to use this information to improve treatment plans, expand research, provide helpful resources, and ultimately find a cure. The app is available now for Apple and Android devices in the app store.
This information is not meant to replace a visit to a physician or a physician’s advice. Always consult your doctor about your medical conditions. The Eczema Relief Store does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of any condition.