Food Allergies and their Connection to Eczema

Many children that have eczema also have Food Allergy, Allergic Rhinitis (hay fever) and Asthma. The connection between them is called the Allergic Triangle, Atopic March, or Allergic March. It describes the natural sequence of allergic diseases over time, starting in early childhood with eczema. Understanding the connection will better help you develop a unique and effective treatment plan to minimize symptoms.  

The figure below describes that way that one condition may lead to one, two, or even three more and the typical age of onset. 

Understanding the connection is the first step in getting your child’s disease and symptoms under control. The next step is finding out your child's triggers. If you can avoid your child's eczema triggers, you can minimize  symptoms. The good news is that some treatment steps for one condition can improve symptoms of other present conditions. 

One Size Fits All?

Unfortunately a single treatment plan will not be the most effective at combating eczema, a food allergy, hay fever, and asthma but nutrition can play an important role at minimizing flares. The food we supply our body fuels the immune system to perform at its best when fighting any condition. 

Including whole foods such as fruits, vegetables, healthy fats like salmon or olive oil, pickles and sauerkraut have even shown to improve eczema symptoms. Dairy, gluten, and added sugars are common to be eczema flares as well as food allergies. 

Effective Treatment

Wet wrap therapy is consistently one of the most effective ways to treating Atopic Dermatitis (eczema). It begins with a lukewarm bath or shower followed by applying a thick eczema emollient like Vanicream Ointment while the skin is still damp. This will lock the moisture in. Finally wrap the area with either wet or dry eczema clothing. Effective, TENCEL fabric tops, bottoms, suits, sleeves, gloves, and socks can be found here. The best part? You can wash and reuse them! 

Find the Connection

If you are unsure which foods may be triggers, start a food journal to document your food and water intake. The skin is the largest organ and can get dehydrated. This will help you in the beginning phases to track and draw conclusions to an eczema flare. Remember, before making drastic changes to your diet it is best to visit with a trusted health care provider. 

This information is not meant to replace a visit to a physician or a physician’s advice. Always consult your doctor about your medical conditions. The Eczema Relief Store does not provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment of any condition.

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Allergic marchAllergy season and eczemaAsthma and dairyAsthma and milkAsthma eczema connectionAtopic dermatitisAvoid eczema triggersChild eczemaChildhood eczemaDairy and asthmaEczemaEczema and allergiesEczema and probioticsFood allergy eczema connectionFood and asthma